Galerie Rudolfinum Prague – 1. Juli 2008
Angels sleeping - Gottfried Helnwein in the Rudolfinum Gallery
Works by Austrian artist Gottfried Helnwein are now to be seen in the Rudolfinum Gallery on the exhibition entitled Angels sleeping. He is a phenomenon in a field of hyperrealistic painting. Working in a technique of oil and acrylic painting, he makes extremely precise canvases of a big measure, based on photographs. Their topics are taken from history as well as from pop-culture and he also often deals with theme of a child in extreme situations. The realistic look of painting is startling; he is very precise and technically extremely skilful. But the paintings look bit too strange... well, but I let you to make your opinion on your own, after the visit of the exhibition.

The exhibition in Rudolfinum is divided into five sections. Firs one shows portraits of the artist’s bandaged face, in the second part are paintings with references to the Nazi past of Austria, both the third and fourth sections have a child in different strange situations as their central subject. The fifth part differs from other ones, as it consists not of hyperrealistic paintings, which look almost as photographs, but it consists photographs itself – showing Marylin Manson as a strange icon of popculture.
Some of works exhibited here are loaned from the property of Gottfried Helwein, some from both public and private collections, and there is a big and representative among of them. I did not really like them, but if you are into hyperrealism, you definitelly should see it. Also it is worth to know, that exhibitions in Rudolfinum are always quite important, as it is one of top exhibiting places in Prague.
The exhibition is to be seen from 11th of June to 31st of August. The Rudolfinum Gallery is opened daily except Mondays, always from 10 am to 6 pm. The entrance fee is 120 Czk full price and 60 Czk reduced fee (students, seniors), children under 15 years old are for free. The Rudolfinum Gallery is accessible form Alsovo nabrezi, but is located in the Rudulfinum building, which is located on Jana Palacha Square, best accessible form Staromestska or Malostranska tram stations (both green line) or eventually also from bus or tram stations
Galerie Rudolfinum Prague
Director: Peter Nedoma